Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Thoughts currently swirling around in my head...

  1.  I think I’ve already eaten enough peanut butter to last a lifetime…who’d have thought that that would be my staple food in Namibia. 
  2. I keep waiting for the Himba women to burst out in a Bollywood dance. Don’t know why, but it seems like that should be a normal afternoon ritual.
  3.  The more I try to learn Otjiherero, the more my French vocabulary gets better (Madame Heyman would be proud :) )
  4. I feel like I’ve jumped into a National Geographic photoshoot. With the lush green mountains, women carrying baskets on their head and Himba women walking around with their red ochre all over their skin and hair, it amazes me every day to walk around Opuwo. And makes me miss a little bit of the Vermont mountains.

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