Wednesday, April 6, 2011

It's April already??


Believe it or not, it’s April. Man, the time has flown! Today was our first day of training since being back from site visit. It was so good to see everyone again and hang out with them. In the morning, we had a quick debrief and ice breaker about our site visits. It was pretty short though, and I really wish we had a full discussion about it because there was so much to talk about! Everyone’s sites seemed so different! Then later on, I was able to talk to my APCD about more of the specifics with my position. As time goes on, I’ll get a better sense about what my job entails, but for the moment, it sounds like I’ll be doing community outreach and working with HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria prevention in Opuwo. I’m really looking forward to leading HIV/AIDS support groups, planning World AIDS Day events and other things, so yay!

The rest of the day we talked about death (fun, fun!) and then had a session about how your Peace Corps service affects you. The effects ranged from poop stories to falling in love with doing your laundry by hand to not stopping hte movie you’re watching until after all the credits are over. They were hilarious and just the thing I needed to cheer me up. After training, a bunch of us met up with some PCVs that were passing through Okahandja at a local restaurant. Because of the floods in the north, there were about 25 PCVs that were evacuated from their sites, and now they have to be relocated to other volunteers’ sites until the water levels go down. So many of them were passing through Okahandja to their temporary sites. I have to say, it was so nice to catch up with PCVs from different groups and pick their brain on questions I had floating in my head.

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