Sunday, March 20, 2011

Language, language, language


When I get home at night, I find it so hard to journal every night. It’s not that nothing has been going on--in fact, I may be to a point where so much is going on that i don’t have time to process all of it. In a weird way, sometimes I feel like time is at a standstill and other times I can’t believe I’ve already been here for a month. As I write this, the windows in my bedroom are open and the rain is pouring down outside. The weather is already reminding me that the seasons are changing. I think almost every day and night this week we’ve had some kind of rain storm.

As for what I’ve been doing in training this week, I honestly can’t remember the specifics. The highlights though have been the LPI and site announcements (which is happening on Friday). The LPI is the mid-training language test. All week I wasn’t too worried about the test but more annoyed of what was expected us in such a short amount of time. Every day we have two hours of language. And everyday, we learn at least 50 new vocabulary terms. We may be learning new vocabulary words, but because we’re not learning that many verbs, we still don’t know how to construct many sentences. Despite all of that though, I got an intermediate low on my LPI. My goal was to get a novice (beginner) mid, but I got a much higher level than that! I had to tell the tester what time it was, today’s date, yesterday’s date, tomorrow’s date, days of the week, what we’re doing here in Namibia, descriptions of our family here in Namibia (host family) and in the US...and I’m sure some other stuff. I’m happy with my score and what I’ve been able to accomplish so far. Gotta reward myself for every little success!

On another note, I gave in and bought a Kindle. With all the books I’ll be reading, it’s gonna be a nice to have all my books in one little nifty gadget. I remember when I went to India, I was practically buying a couple of books every week! I must’ve read about 25 books in just four months, so I can’t even imagine how many books I’ll read when I’m here. I’ve already started a list of books that I want to read while I’m here, but I think I also want to start a list of books that I’ve finished reading.

And last but certainly not least is the announcement of our permanent site tomorrow! I’m soooo excited for tomorrow. This day has been anticipated for over a year! I just remembered that a year ago today I was having my Peace Corps interview in Cleveland. So weird to think how fast the time has gone! It’s scary to think how fast those next two years are gonna go by.

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