Tuesday, May 10, 2011

C'est la vie

During a recent holiday, a few volunteers and I decided to visit Epupa Falls (waterfalls that border Namibia and Angola) for the day. After filling the car up with petrol/gas, and stopping to grab some food for lunch at OK Grocer, we set out for Epupa Falls. And a few hours and cow herds later, we were at Epupa Falls. I wish I could say that it was a magical place and the waterfalls were amazing, but out of all the waterfalls in Namibia or even out of all the waterfalls I've seen in my lifetime they were probably a 6.8 out of 10. But regardless of all of that, it was still nice to get away from Opuwo and just relax. 

Some goats we saw at Epupa

I've realized that life is what you make of it. Even if you might not be snapping pictures at the Taj Mahal or sipping a pina colada in the Caribbean, you can still make it fun. Life is about the people you meet, the experiences you have and "the glass is half full" mentality. C'est la vie, right?

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