Tuesday, February 8, 2011

And so it begins....

And so it all begins....the last minute errands, packing the suitcases and carry-ons, seeing friends and family for the last time and of course, having some Iggy’s seafood before I leave. Last weekend I visited some of my friends up in Burlington, VT and had such a good time. Every time I go up to Burlington or even Vermont, I keep on wanting to just stop where I am on the road or sidewalk and take a mental picture of where I am. The scenery, the people, the culture....I don’t know how to describe, but I just love being up there. Whenever I come back from being in Vermont, I feel so refreshed. So this past trip up to Burlington was just the thing I needed before embarking on my next journey. Ahhhhh......

And in just about one week, I’ll be leaving for staging in Philadelphia....the beginning of the next chapter of my life. Staging is usually a few days of orientation and also where I get to meet everyone else that’s going with me to Namibia. I’m so excited to meet everyone! Here’s a breakdown of what the next couple of weeks will look like for me....

Namibia Staging:

Tuesday Feb 15: 6pm Official registration as a Peace Corps Trainee

Wednesday Feb 16: Time for vaccines & ice breakers.....oh what fun!

Thursday Feb 17: 2am check out of hotel and drive to JFK airport
10:40am Begin the 15 hour flight to Johannesburg, South Africa

Friday Feb 18: 8:40am Arrive in Johannesburg
2:45pm Leave for Namibia
4:35pm Arrive in Windhoek (Capital of Namibia)

Peace Corps Training Schedule:

Week 1 & 2
February 19-26           Orientation
February 24                Move in with host families
February 21- Mar 5    Intensive training (all components)            

Week 3 & 4
March 7- 18                Intensive training (all components)
March 16                    Mid Language Proficiency (LPI) Interview
March 18                    Mid Evaluation by Peace Corps Trainees and Site Announcements   
Week 5 & 6               
March 24                    Meet your Supervisor & sessions
March 25                    Travel to Permanent Sites (“Future Site Visit”)
March 25 - 31             On-the-Job Orientation with Supervisor and host organization
March 31                    Travel from Permanent Sites to Okahandja

Week 7 & 8
April 4 - 13                 Intensive training (all components)

Week 8
 April 11                     Final Language Proficiency (LPI) Interview                  
 April 12                     Final Evaluation of PCTs
 April 14                     Swearing-in ceremony / End of Peace Corps Training
                                   Depart to Permanent Sites with Supervisor/host organization staff

During training, I will study one of these languages: Afrikaans, Otjiherero, Oshindonga, Thimbukushu, Rukwangali or Silozi. All of these languages are members of the Bantu family of languages except for Afrikaans.

As long as I successfully complete all of my training competencies, I will be sworn-in as a Peace Corps volunteer on April 14, 2011!

Random Facts about Namibia:
  • There’s an exchange rate of 7.5 Namibian dollars to 1 US dollar.
  • During this time of year, Namibia is 7 hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time (EST).

  • Winter is approaching in Southern Africa, so the weather will be cool when I arrive.  Highs may be in the 50’s to 70’s, with lows anywhere from the 20’s to 40’s.  The rainy season starts in November and ends in April or early May. It’s a good thing I’m bringing cute rain boots!

Well that’s all folks! Probably the next time you’ll be hearing from me will be in Philly or sunny Namibia :)

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